Comfort ***
Ladies washroom
Mens washroom
Hot water for dishes
Showers Fr. 0.50
Washing machine and tumble dryer
Disposal for chemical toilet
TV room
W-LAN (Wi-Fi)
Campingshop and Ticket sale
Information about tourist attractions
Table tennis
Trampolin for children and adults
To rent
Mobilhome up to 4 person
Apartment 2–4 persons / 3 days minimum
Ladies washroom
Mens washroom
Hot water for dishes
Showers Fr. 0.50
Washing machine and tumble dryer
Disposal for chemical toilet
TV room
W-LAN (Wi-Fi)
Campingshop and Ticket sale
Information about tourist attractions
Table tennis
Trampolin for children and adults
To rent
Mobilhome up to 4 personApartment 2–4 persons / 3 days minimum